Top 10 Reasons Why You’re Still Single

Oh, you’re still single? That’s charming. Don’t worry. There’s nothing wrong with you—it’s just that you’re a little bit… difficult to deal with. You can do many things to improve your dating life, but if you’re still single, there’s a good chance you’re doing at least one of these things if not all. Here are all the reasons why you’re still single.

The Top Ten Reasons Why You’re Still Single

Don’t worry, we won’t judge – we just want to help. So read on and see if any of these sound familiar. You might be surprised! Be warned, the truth hurts, but first, it will piss you off.

1. You’re high-maintenance AF.

Let’s be honest. You’re not exactly low-maintenance. You need your designer clothes, expensive haircuts, regular manicures, and pedicures. Not to mention all the nights at the club and the weekends away. No one has the time or money for all that, so it is why you’re still single.

2. You’re a picky eater.

Sure, you might say that you’ll try anything once—but we both know that’s a lie. You’ve been known to turn your nose up at anything that isn’t organic, gluten-free, or locally sourced. And forget about going to a restaurant that doesn’t have at least 4 stars on Yelp. Your picking eating is a reason why you’re still single.

3. You’re always no deadlining.

Being spontaneous is excellent—up to a point. But it gets ancient fast when you’re constantly changing your plans at the last minute or blowing off plans altogether. Also, it’s tough to plan anything when you never know if you’ll actually show up or not! Being a flake is why you’re still single.

4. You’re too independent.

Listen, we get it—you don’t need a man in your life to be happy and fulfilled. But sometimes, it would be nice to have someone around to help with handyman tasks, pay half the rent, or just cuddle on the couch while watching Netflix. Just saying, your hard-headedness is a reason you’re still single.

5. You have commitment issues.

It’s not that you don’t want a relationship—you just don’t want this one (or any other one, for that matter). As a result, you’re always looking for something better and rejecting anyone who doesn’t meet your impossibly high standards. Mr. Perfect doesn’t exist, which is why you’re still single!

6. You’re too selective.

Let’s face it, you’ll never find Mr. Right if you don’t stop being so picky. How often have you gone on a date with someone only to find out they don’t like your favorite TV show/Movie/Book? Or that they don’t have the same taste in music as you do? Or that they don’t share your love of long walks on the beach/candle-lit dinners/snuggling on the couch? To find Mr. Right, you’ll have to learn to compromise. In the meantime, your selectiveness is why you’re still single.

7. You’re too clingy/needy.

Nobody likes a clingy or needy person. Suppose you’re always texting or calling your partners 24/7 or getting upset when they don’t reply immediately. In that case, they’ll get sick of it quickly and move on. Give people some space and learn to be independent! Being needy is why you’re still single.

8. You’re not looking in the right places.

To find a quality person, you need to look in the right places. Hanging out at the same old dive bar every weekend will probably not lead to finding Mr. Right. Instead, try going to new places, events, etc., and expanding your horizons! Looking for love in all the wrong places is why you’re still single.

9. You have too much baggage.

We’ve all been through some stuff in our lives that has left us a little bit damaged emotionally. But if you want to find love, you need to let go of that baggage and start fresh with a clean slate. No one wants to date someone who’s still hung up on their ex or has a lot of anger and resentment towards the world! Avoiding dealing with your baggage is why you’re still single.

10. You’re just not trying hard enough!

One final reason you may be single is that you’re simply not trying hard enough! I mean, how many nights have you spent at home watching TV instead of going out and meeting new people? How many potential Mr. Rights have you passed up because you were too shy, tired, or busy with work? If you want to find Mr., Right, sometimes you just have to put yourself out there and take some risks!

If you’re still single and wondering why, look no further than this list of all the reasons why! From being high maintenance to having commitment issues to not dealing with your baggage, it’s no wonder you haven’t found someone willing to put up with your bullshit yet… but maybe that’s a good thing? After all, being single means freedom, right? Eh, who are we kidding—being single sucks!